Free download Rapid CSS Editor 2014

Rapid CSS Editor 2014

Easily design, create and edit modern CSS-based websites. Write CSS and HTML code manually or let the CSS
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Release date
1 February 2013

Editor's review

This is a CSS editing tool.

Rapid CSS editor can be used to create, design and edit modern CSS-based websites. While it is possible to write a CSS manually, it is better to get it done through this editor. For current, sophisticated sites, manually doing it could be quite a bit tedious. Auto complete, code inspector, CSS checker and instant built-in multi-browser preview are some features that will ensure you create CSS code that is compatible across the browsers. The tool is an editor combined with other developmental help and acts almost like an integrated environment. The editor also ensures that code syntax conforms to the latest HTML5 and CSS3 specs and development trends. The tool will fulfill the need for creating fluid CSS layouts and mobile websites. Overall this tool is not burdened with lots of very rarely used features, no useless buttons or panels here. The interface is straight-forward and intuitive. It is actually quite suitable for learners/beginners.

With built in FTP, SFTP and FTPS it is possible to update/modify your website with just a few clicks. Lots of additional help is available in the form of useful tools. These are available in the form of syntax-checker, Validator, beautifiers, built-in pre-fixer and debuggers. This editor could be useful for other code development too. These include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, ASP, XML, WML, Perl, SASS, LESS, etc. To help with code readability, it offers line numbering, gutter, margin, word wrap, block select and so on. Macro recorder, code folding, search and find, multi-highlighting are some additional features that are useful. This is very good tool and useful for web developers.

Publisher's description

Rapid CSS Editor makes it easy to design, create, edit and deploy modern CSS-based websites and site layouts. Write CSS and HTML code manually or let the CSS editor do it for you. It is easy because of the many helpful features such as auto completion, code inspector, CSS formatter, CSS validator, CSS wizards, CSS prefixer and built-in instant multi-browser preview with integrated X-Ray. Includes full support for the latest HTML5 and CSS3 standards.
Features include
* Full HTML5 and CSS3 compatibility
* Advanced, fully customizable and familiar text editor
* UTF-8 Unicode support
* Syntax Highlighting for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, ASP, Perl, XML, LESS, SASS
* Built-in multi-browser preview
* HTML and CSS validation
* Code Intelligence for HTML and CSS
* Inspector for HTML and CSS
* CSS formatter
* CSS prefixer
* CSS gradient, shadow, font and box assistants
* HTML code wizards and helpers
* Code snippet library
* Advanced color picker
* Project management
* FTP/SFTP/FTPS connectivity
* Mobile web development features
* Ready to use code templates
* Find/Replace with regular expressions
* Find/Replace in files
* Multi-item clipboard
* Code folding
* Countless goodie features (bracket matching, line highlighting, text indentation...)
Rapid CSS Editor 2014
Rapid CSS Editor 2014
Version 12.0
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